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野球で地球が回る/Baseball makes the world go round



















Baseball makes the world go round


Recently, since the school where an English teacher friend worked had a baseball game, I went with her to support the students. I was worried how it might turn out, since there was heavy rain the day before, but the day of the game had beautiful weather and we had a fun day regardless of the results. I was really moved watching the whole team doing their best, and the student players also seemed happy that their school ALT and other ‘fans from abroad’ came to watch, which made us happy too.


In America, I wouldn’t really be called a ‘baseball fan’. I had a casual interest, but stadium tickets for my local team were expensive, so I couldn’t go to games very often. And while we had a TV at home, it didn’t get the sports channels. However, when I get the chance to go to a game, I had tons of fun, and I loved listening to games on the radio during long car rides since I also was interested in working as an announcer during college.


A Japanese player joined my local team, the San Diego Padres, a season or two before I went to Japan, so my dad said ‘We have to see him play’, and took me to a game, despite his busy work schedule. We did a lot of things we wouldn't normally be able to do like buying expensive stadium food, and he even bought me a team t-shirt as a present. I'm getting a lot of use out of the shirt now, since it’s great to wear to talks on American culture. It became a really nice memory, so when I think about baseball I remember that day and feel really relaxed.


After coming to Japan, I started getting interested in baseball to a degree that surprised even me. I wanted to see games in Tochigi, and I’m also using online streaming services to see games being played back at home. It’s nostalgic to hear the local announcers, who I’ve been used to listening to for ages, and it's fun to see the differences between American and Japanese baseball culture. I think it's great that, no matter where they live in the world, sports fans can create connections using the internet.


Also, since most of the Japanese players who play for American teams, like Ohtani Shohei or now-retired Ichiro Suzuki, are well-known back in Japan, knowing about them myself is a great starting point for building connections with people. Once, I was surprised at a high school presentation when a student actually knew a lot about the Padres. I can’t really call the Padres a top-class team, so I was really happy that they’re known even in other countries. (Although, and this might just be hometown pride, I think they’re always a fun team to see play!)


I’m trying to keep up with the Padres progress at home, since it makes a good conversation topic with friends and family back in America. Even if I’m not an in-depth fan, I feel like I'm establishing ties with my hometown when I'm reading commentary or watching fan reaction videos on Youtube or other sites.


I think it's wonderful that baseball can help me make connections with a new country, as well as where I come from. Even if it isn’t currently the most popular sport in the United States, it’s the ‘national pastime’ to me. Or maybe I should say, the ‘international pastime’?



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