DEATH VALLEY(デスヴァレー)国立公園:「死の谷」の意味です。この砂漠がアメリカで最も暑い場所だから、それ以上の説明は必要ないかもしれないですが、説明します。ゴールドラッシュ時代、多くの人々が準備不足のままカリフォルニア州に行ったため、デスヴァレーを渡るのがとても危なかったことに由来しています。
EL DORADO(エル・ドラード)カウンティー(カウンティーは州を区切る単位のことです):ゴールドラッシュ時代にカリフォルニア州の人口が急に増え、新しい町・市・カウンティーなどが作られました。エル・ドラード・カウンティーはその一つです。エル・ドラード・カウンティーの名前はスペイン語で、神話に出てくる黄金で全部作られている町からきています。ゴールドラッシュ時代には多くの場所に黄金がテーマの名前が与えられました。黄金を見つけてお金持ちになるという希望から名づけられていたと思いますが、現実は上手くいかなくて、ほとんどの人々は「エル・ドラード」などの名前以外には黄金を見つけられませんでした。
History and Place Names
During cold weather, I often find myself thinking about my home region of Southern California. I end up researching a wide variety of topics about California while preparing for some Multicultural Understanding talks recently, so in this article I’d like to introduce one of them.
There are a huge number of place names in California, for cities, towns, and more. As with any country or culture, the origin of these names can tell us a lot about their history. Therefore, I’d like to talk about several place names that you might have heard even in Japan, and use them to introduce some of California’s past.
CALIFORNIA: During the time of the Spanish Empire, one of the tools used for control within the Empire’s territory was the Catholic Church. Therefore, in areas of America that were formerly Spanish territories, many places are named after Catholic Saints. (For example, the ‘San/Santa’ in San Diego, Santa Barbara, or Santa Monica is the Spanish word for ‘Saint’.) So clearly, the name of California state itself must be along the same lines, right? I was surprised to discover while researching that actually, it is completely different. Instead of being from the name of a Saint or something out of the Bible, the name ‘California’ comes from a 15th century adventure romance novel. This novel, which was written before Europeans understood that America was a continent, tells the story of an island country entirely populated by women, ‘California’, and its Queen, ‘Kalafia’.
DEATH VALLEY National Park: This location has the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the United States, so probably no other explanation is needed, but I will explain anyway. One reason for the name’s origin comes from the Gold Rush era, when many people tried to travel to California without sufficient preparation. This meant that crossing Death Valley, one of the routes to reach Southern California, was extremely dangerous.
MALIBU: This city is currently known as a beachside paradise full of celebrities and influencers, but it started as a Chumash town (a Native American people living in Southern California). The original name of the town was HUMALIWO, which means ‘the surf here is always noisy’. Over time, this transformed into MALIBU, and as the name suggests it is still famous for its surfing and its beautiful beaches.
EL DORADO County: During the Gold Rush, the population of California expanded rapidly, which led to the establishment of many new cities, towns, counties, and so on. One of them was El Dorado County. The name El Dorado is from Spanish, and comes from the name for a legendary town said to be built entirely of gold. I feel it must have been named out of hope to find gold and become rich, but the reality of the Gold Rush was not so easy, and most people didn’t find much gold beyond signs like that of El Dorado County.
There are plenty more examples, but I hope that even through this brief introduction you have been able to encounter new things about America and California’s broad history.
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