Home > Industrial Parks Lots Available > Dainikko (Todoroku) Industrial Park

Industrial Parks Lots Available

Dainikko (Todoroku) Industrial Park

Available Land: 12.2 ha.(lots available 0.6ha)
Lot Price: 18,600 yen/m2.


Location Todoroku, Nikko
Year of development 1994 〜 1996
Total area 19.5 ha.
Use district Not designated (rural area industrial introduction district).
Building standards Building coverage ratio: 60%, Floor area ratio: 200%..
Soil Loamy layer, Gravelly layer, Sandy gravelly layer.
Pollution control To enter into a Pollution Control Agreement based on the Tochigi Living Environment Preservation Act.
Water Municipal water( in case of diameter in 50mm, including consumption tax)
Basic charge 5,880 yen, Meter-rate charge: from 1.0 m3〜 up to 100m3 210 yen/m3, over 100m3 220 yen/m3) and/or Ground water.
Drainage To drain by exclusive drainage pipe after the processing (BOD 8 mg./liter or less) by each company individually.
  1. High voltage (6kV) : Supply facilities are available in the park.
  2. Special high voltage(66kV): Available.
For inquiries: Tochigi Prefecture Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism, International Section TEL: 028-623-2194

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Lot Map

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Dai-Nikko (Todoroku) Industrial Park Lot Map


By Train

  • 1.5 km, 3 minutes by car, from Tobu Ookuwa station on Tobu Nikko line.

By Car

  • 6.0 km, 10 minutes, from Imaichi interchange on Nikko-Utsunomiya expressway.


  • 5.0 km, 8 minutes by car, from Nikko city hall.
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Incentive System

Incentive System in Tochigi Prefecture

Special Incentives in Municipality

Name of Act, etc. Requirements for Target Operators Contents
Nikko City Factory locations Act 1) Industrial districts prescribed by City Planning Act, or Industrial promotion districts prescribed by Rural Areas Industrial Introduction Promotion Act.
  1. Land area of 5,000 m2 or more, or building area of 2,000 m2 or more.
  2. 10 or more employees, and a half of them shall be residents of Nikko City.
  3. Manufacturing industries (excludes waste disposal industry), or other industries who can develop sophisticated industry by its establishment.
2) Other districts not described in above.
  1. Land area of 9,000 m2or more, or building area of more than 3,000 m2 and more, and recognized by the Mayor.
  2. 10 or more employees, and a half of them shall be residents of Nikko City.
  3. Manufacturing industries (excludes waste disposal industry).

An amount calculated by multiplying 90 % to the equivalent paid amount of property tax for the facilities relevant to the new development of factory, etc. (includes increased depreciable property tax according with the operation of the factory). (an amount less than 10,000 yen shall be rounded off)
However, the total grant amount of incentives is limited to 100 million yen( in case that tax exemptions for fixed asset tax are applied, deducts the equivalent exempted amount from the 100 million yen(an amount less than 10,000 yen shall be rounded off)), and the grant period of the incentives is until when the total grant payment reached the limit amount.

Limit amount: 100 million yen. 
Grant limit period: 5 years.

For Inquiries: Tochigi Prefecture Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism, International Section 
TEL: 028-623-2194

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