
Home > Guide to Factory Installation Procedures > Forestry Act (Notification of Felling)Profiles

Guide to Factory Installation Procedures

Forestry Act (Notification of Felling)

Followings are applicable when procedures based on laws or ordinances, etc. are required.
Name of laws and regulations Forestry Act (Notification of Felling)
(The timing of procedures)
In the period between 90 days and 30 days prior to commencement of felling.
(Procedure Targets)
Forest owners, etc. who intend felling trees in private owned forest subject to the area forest plan.
・Notification of Felling and Forestry After Felling Download
Download file is Word97/for Win format.
If unable to download, please inquire to"Contact for Inquiries".
(Procedure Office)
Municipal Section in charge of forestry administration
(Examination Contents)
Location of forest, Felling area size, Felling method, Felling tree types, Felling ages, Felling period, Use of felled area

Flow of Procedures
Processing Period
Contact for Inquiries Tochigi Prefecture Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism, International Section 
TEL: 028-623-2194 
FAX: 028-623-2199

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